************ Introduction ************ Overview ======== LLSpy is a python library to facilitate lattice light sheet data processing. It extends the cudaDeconv binary created in the Betzig lab at Janelia Research Campus, adding features that auto-detect experimental parameters from the data folder structure and metadata (minimizing user input), auto-choose OTFs, perform image corrections and manipulations, and facilitate file handling. Full(er) documentation available at http://llspy.readthedocs.io/ **There are three ways to use LLSpy:** 1. Graphical User Interface --------------------------- The GUI provides access to the majority of functionality in LLSpy. It includes a drag-and drop queue, visual progress indicator, and the ability to preview data processed with the current settings using the (awesome) 4D-viewer, `Spimagine `_ developed by Martin Weigert in the `Myers lab `_ at MPI-CBG. Support for online-processing with a "monitored folder" or real-time visualization with Spimagine is in development. .. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tlambert03/LLSpy/master/img/screenshot.png :alt: LLSpy graphical interface :align: right .. .. image:: http://cbmf.hms.harvard.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/gui.png .. :height: 825 px .. :width: 615 px .. :scale: 100% .. :alt: alternate text .. :align: right GUI documentation :ref:`here `. 2. Command Line Interface ------------------------- The command line interface can be used to process LLS data in a server environment (linux compatible). .. code:: bash $ lls --help Usage: lls [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... LLSpy This is the command line interface for the LLSpy library, to facilitate processing of lattice light sheet data using cudaDeconv and other tools. Options: --version Show the version and exit. -c, --config PATH Config file to use instead of the system config. --debug -h, --help Show this message and exit. Commands: camera Camera correction calibration clean Delete LLSpy logs and preferences compress Compression & decompression of LLSdir config Manipulate the system configuration for LLSpy decon Deskew and deconvolve data in LLSDIR. deskew Deskewing only (no decon) of LLS data gui Launch LLSpy Graphical User Interface info Get info on an LLSDIR. install Install cudaDeconv libraries and binaries reg Channel registration # process a dataset $ lls decon --iters 8 --correctFlash /path/to/dataset # change system or user-specific configuration $ lls config --set otfDir path/to/PSF_and_OTFs # or launch the gui $ lls gui Command line documentation :ref:`here `. 3. Interactive data processing in a python console -------------------------------------------------- .. code:: python >>> import llspy # the LLSdir object contains most of the useful attributes and # methods for interacting with a data folder containing LLS tiffs >>> E = llspy.LLSdir('path/to/experiment_directory') # it parses the settings file into a dict: >>> E.settings {'acq_mode': 'Z stack', 'basename': 'cell1_Settings.txt', 'camera': {'cam2name': '"Disabled"', 'cycle': '0.01130', 'cycleHz': '88.47 Hz', 'exp': '0.01002', ... } # many important attributes are in the parameters dict >>> E.parameters {'angle': 31.5, 'dx': 0.1019, 'dz': 0.5, 'nc': 2, 'nt': 10, 'nz': 65, 'samplescan': True, ... } # and provides methods for processing the data >>> E.autoprocess() # the autoprocess method accepts many options as keyword aruguments # a full list with descriptions can be seen here: >>> llspy.printOptions() Name Default Description ---- ------- ----------- correctFlash False do Flash residual correction flashCorrectTarget cpu {"cpu", "cuda", "parallel"} for FlashCor nIters 10 deconvolution iters mergeMIPs True do MIP merge into single file (decon) otfDir None directory to look in for PSFs/OTFs tRange None time range to process (None means all) cRange None channel range to process (None means all) ... ... ... # as well as file handling routines >>> E.compress(compression='lbzip2') # compress the raw data into .tar.(bz2|gz) >>> E.decompress() # decompress files for re-processing >>> E.freeze() # delete all processed data and compress raw data for long-term storage. API documentation :ref:`here `. Features of LLSpy ================= * graphical user interface with persistent/saveable processing settings * command line interface for remote/server usage (coming) * preview processed image to verify settings prior to processing full experiment * *Pre-processing corrections*: * correct "residual electron" issue on Flash4.0 when using overlap synchronous mode. Includes CUDA and parallel CPU processing as well as GUI for generation of calibration file. * apply selective median filter to particularly noisy pixels * trim image edges prior to deskewing (helps with CMOS edge row artifacts) * auto-detect background * Processing: * select subset of acquired images (C or T) for processing * automatic parameter detection based on auto-parsing of Settings.txt * automatic OTF generation/selection from folder of raw PSF files, based on date of acquisition, mask used (if entered into SPIMProject.ini), and wavelength. * graphical progress bar and time estimation * Post-processing: * proper voxel-size metadata embedding (newer version of Cimg) * join MIP files into single hyperstack viewable in ImageJ/Fiji * automatic width/shift selection based on image content ("auto crop to features") * automatic fiducial-based image registration (provided tetraspeck bead stack) * compress raw data after processing * Watched-folder autoprocessing (experimental): * Server mode: designate a folder to watch for incoming *finished* LLS folders (with Settings.txt file). When new folders are detected, they are added to the processing queue and the queue is started if not already in progress. * Aquisition mode: designed to be used on the aquisition computer. Designate folder to watch for new LLS folders, and process new files as they arrive. Similar to built in GPU processing tab in Lattice Scope software, but with the addition of all the corrections and parameter selection in the GUI. * easily return LLS folder to original (pre-processed) state * compress and decompress folders and subfolders with lbzip2 (not working on windows) * concatenate two experiments - renaming files with updated relative timestamps and stack numbers * rename files acquired in script-editor mode with ``Iter_`` in the name to match standard naming with positions (work in progress) * cross-platform: includes precompiled binaries and shared libraries that should work on all systems. Requirements ============ * Compatible with Windows (tested on 7/10), Mac or Linux (tested on Ubuntu 16.04) * Python 3.6 (recommended), 3.5, or 2.7 * Most functionality assumes a data folder structure as generated by the Lattice Scope LabeView acquisition software written by Dan Milkie in the Betzig lab. If you are using different acquisition software, it is likely that you will need to change the data structure and metadata parsing routines. * Currently, the core deskew/deconvolution processing is based on cudaDeconv, written by Lin Shao and maintained by Dan Milkie. cudaDeconv is licensed and distributed by HHMI. It is *not* included in this repository and must be acquired seperately in the dropbox share accessible after signing the RLA with HHMI. Contact `innovation@janlia.hhmi.org `_. * CudaDeconv requires a CUDA-capable GPU * The Spimagine viewer requires a working OpenCL environment Installation ============ **Note**: *As of version 0.4.2 cudaDecon is now included in the LLSpy conda package and requires no additional steps for installation. Horray for open source!* #. Install `Anaconda `_ or `Miniconda `_ #. Launch a ``terminal`` window (OS X, Linux), or ``Anaconda Prompt`` (Windows) #. Add the "conda-forge" and "talley" channels to your conda config .. code:: bash $ conda config --add channels conda-forge $ conda config --add channels talley #. Install LLSpy into a new conda environment .. code:: bash $ conda create -n llsenv python=3.6 llspy $ conda activate llsenv The ``create -n llsenv`` line creates a virtual environment. This is optional, but recommended as it easier to uninstall cleanly and prevents conflicts with any other python environments. If installing into a virtual environment, you must source the environment before proceeding, and each time before using llspy. Each time you use the program, you will need to activate the virtual environment. The main command line interface is ``lls``, and the gui can be launched with ``lls gui``. You can create a bash script or batch file to autoload the environment and launch the program if desired. .. code:: bash # Launch Anaconda Prompt and type... $ conda activate llsenv # show the command line interface help menu $ lls -h # process a dataset $ lls decon /path/to/dataset # or launch the gui $ lls gui Setup ===== *There are a few things that must be configured properly in order for LLSpy to work.* OTF Directory ------------- .. important:: LLSpy is currently limited to PSF/OTF files that were acquired in galvo/objective scanning mode, using a 0.1µm Z step size. This assumption is made both during generation of OTFs from PSF files in the OTF directory, *and* during deconvolution made with pre-generated OTF files. So even if you have made OTF files manually (using, for example, `radialft`), the voxel size must still be 0.1µm. This is a limitation that will eventually be fixed, but feel free to raise a github issue if you require this flexibility. LLSpy assumes that you have a directory somewhere with all of your PSF and OTF files. You must enter this directory on the config tab of the LLSpy gui or by using ``lls config --set otfDir PATH`` in the command line interface. The simplest setup is to create a directory and include an OTF for each wavelength you wish to process, for instance: .. code:: /home/myOTFs/ ├── 405_otf.tif ├── 488_otf.tif ├── 560_otf.tif ├── 642_otf.tif The number in the filenames comes from the wavelength of the laser used for that channel. This is parsed directly from the filenames, which in turn are generated based on the name of the laser lines specified in the ``SPIMProject AOTF.mcf`` file in the ``SPIM Support Files`` directory of the Lattice Scope software. For instance, if an AOTF channel is named "488nm-SB", then an example file generated with that wavelength might be called: ``cell5_ch0_stack0000_488nm-SB_0000000msec_0020931273msecAbs.tif`` The parsed wavelength will be the *digits only* from the segment between the stack number and the relative timestamp. In this case: "488nm-SB" --> "488". For more detail on filename parsing see filename `parsing`_ below. As a convenience, you can also place raw PSF files in this directory with the following naming convention: ``[date]_[wave]_[slm_pattern]_[outerNA]-[innerNA].tif`` ... where ``outerNA`` and ``innerNA`` use 'p' instead of decimal points, for instance: ``20160825_488_square_0p5-0p42.tif`` *the actual regex that parses the OTF is as follows* .. code:: python psffile_pattern = re.compile( r""" ^(?P\d{6}|\d{8}) # 6 or 8 digit date _(?P\d+) # wavelength ... only digits following _ are used _(?P[a-zA-Z_]+) # slm pattern _(?P[0-9p.]+) # outer NA, digits with . or p for decimal [-_](?P[0-9p.]+) # inter NA, digits with . or p for decimal (?P_otf)?.tif$""", # optional _otf to specify that it is already an otf re.VERBOSE, ) If the SPIMProject.ini file also contains information about the ``[Annular Mask]`` pattern being used (as demonstrated below), then LLSpy will try to find the PSF in the OTF directory that most closely matches the date of acquisition of the data, and the annular mask pattern used, and generate an OTF from that file that will be used for deconvolution. .. code:: ini [Annular Mask] outerNA = 0.5 innerNA = 0.42 How does LLSpy pick the OTF to use? ----------------------------------- When deconvolving a given file, LLSpy follows this sequence when deciding which OTF file to use: 1. Checks to make sure there is at least one PSF/OTF in the otfDir with a wavelength within a few nanometers of the current wavelength. 2. Then, if the ``[Annular Mask]`` setting is present in settings.txt, LLSpy will look for a PSF/OTF matching the mask and wavelength of the current file, using the PSF from the date closest to the experiment, as a tie breaker. 3. If mask parameters have not been provided, or if there is no OTF/PSF matching the particular mask/wavelength of the current file, then it falls back to looking for a "default OTF", which is named something like ``488_otf.tif`` or ```488_psf.tif``. 4. Finally, if the file is a PSF file, and not an OTF file, then an OTF will be generated and used. Flash4.0 Calibration -------------------- In order to take advantage of the Flash synchronous trigger mode correction included in LLSpy, you must first characterize your camera by collecting a calibration dataset as described in :ref:`camera`, then direct LLSpy to that file on the Config Tab of the GUI, or using ``lls config --set camparamsPath PATH`` in the command line interface. Support for more than one camera is in development. Channel Registration -------------------- Transformation matrices for registering multichannel datasets can be generated using a calibration dataset of multi-color fiducials such as `tetraspeck beads `_. The path to this dataset must be provided to LLSpy in the Post-Processing tab. See more in the section on :ref:`registration`. Data Structure Assumptions ========================== I have made a number of assumptions about the structure of the data folder being processed with LLSpy. If you organize your data different than I have, it may cause unexpected results or bugs. It's likely that these problems can be fixed, so if your data organization conventions differ from those described below, just `submit an issue on github `_ describing the problem or `contact Talley`_ with an example of your data folder format. The main object in LLSpy is the :class:`llspy.llsdir.LLSdir` "data folder" object (see :ref:`api`). This object assumes that each experiment (e.g. single multi-channel timelapse) is contained in a single folder, with all of the raw tiffs, and one \*Settings.txt file. A typical LLSdir folder structure might look like this: .. code:: /lls_experiment_1/ ├── cell5_ch0_stack0000_488nm_0000000msec_0020931273msecAbs.tif ├── cell5_ch0_stack0001_488nm_0000880msec_0020932153msecAbs.tif ├── cell5_ch0_stack0002_488nm_0001760msec_0020933033msecAbs.tif ├── cell5_ch1_stack0000_560nm_0000000msec_0020931273msecAbs.tif ├── cell5_ch1_stack0001_560nm_0000880msec_0020932153msecAbs.tif ├── cell5_ch1_stack0002_560nm_0001760msec_0020933033msecAbs.tif ├── cell5_Settings.txt .. _Parsing: Filename Parsing ---------------- *In order to perform many of the automated functions that LLSpy performs, it is necessary to extract information from the filename, such as the channel, wavelength, timepoint, etc... If this step is unsuccessful, many things will break.* **Prior to version 0.3.9**, LLSpy assumed that you are using the file naming convention used by Dan Milkie's Labview acquisition software, and filenames were parsed according to the following regular expression. .. code:: python filename_pattern = re.compile(r""" ^(?P.+) # any characters before _ch are basename _ch(?P\d) # channel is a single digit following _ch _stack(?P\d{4}) # timepoint is 4 digits following _stack _\D*(?P\d+).* # wave = contiguous digits in this section _(?P\d{7})msec # 7 digits after _ and before msec _(?P\d{10})msecAbs # 10 digits after _ and before msecAbs """, re.VERBOSE) **As of version 0.3.9**, LLSpy allows the user to define a filename pattern using relatively simple syntax (thanks to the `parse `_ library). The filename pattern can be changed in the config tab. The default pattern, which should work for the original Lattice Scope software released by Dan Milkie is as follows: .. code:: {basename}_ch{channel:d}_stack{stack:d}_{wave:d}nm_{reltime:d}msec_{abstime:d}msecAbs *The syntax for the filename pattern is as follows:* * Anything inside of brackets ``{}`` is a placeholder * Anthing *NOT* inside of a bracket is taken as a literal/constant that will be present in the filename (such as "_stack" or "_ch"). * Words inside of brackets (e.g. ``{basename}``) specify the variable that placeholder represents. * The variable names recognized by LLSpy are as follows (note, required variables must be present in your filename pattern): * ``basename`` (**required**) * ``channel:d`` (**required**) * ``stack:d`` (**required**) * ``wave:d`` (**required**) * ``reltime:d`` * ``abstime:d`` * a colon folowed by the letter d (e.g. ``{wave:d}``) specifies that the variable is an integer (``:d`` *must* be used for the channel, stack, and wave variables and any other number variables) * an empty bracket ``{}`` can be used as a "wildcard" to consume any text in the name that may be causing difficulty with filename parsing, LLSpy will simply ignore it. LLSpy adds a ``{}`` to all filename patterns (which means, for example, that it is not necessary to include the '.tif' at the end of the filename pattern) If you are struggling with filename parsing or data structure issues, please `submit an issue on github `_ and include details on your filename patterns and data structure. Script-editor datasets ---------------------- There is basic (but experimental) support for multi-point experiments that have been acquired using the Script Editor in the Lattice Scope software. Here a typical experimental folder might look like this: .. code:: /lls_multipoint_samp/ ├── looptest_Iter_0_ch0_stack0000_488nm_0000000msec_0006417513msecAbs.tif ├── looptest_Iter_0_ch0_stack0000_488nm_0000000msec_0006419755msecAbs.tif ├── looptest_Iter_0_ch1_stack0000_560nm_0000000msec_0006417513msecAbs.tif ├── looptest_Iter_0_ch1_stack0000_560nm_0000000msec_0006419755msecAbs.tif ├── looptest_Iter_0_Settings.txt ├── looptest_Iter_1_ch0_stack0000_488nm_0000000msec_0006429124msecAbs.tif ├── looptest_Iter_1_ch0_stack0000_488nm_0000000msec_0006431503msecAbs.tif ├── looptest_Iter_1_ch1_stack0000_560nm_0000000msec_0006429124msecAbs.tif ├── looptest_Iter_1_ch1_stack0000_560nm_0000000msec_0006431503msecAbs.tif ├── looptest_Iter_1_Settings.txt You can use the :func:`llspy.llsdir.rename_iters` function on this folder, or the ``Rename Scripted`` tool in the LLSpy GUI to convert this folder to multiple standard LLSdirs. The result be something like this: .. code:: /lls_multipoint_samp/ ├── /looptest_pos00/ | ├── looptest_pos00_ch0_stack0000_488nm_0000000msec_0006417513msecAbs.tif | ├── looptest_pos00_ch0_stack0001_488nm_0011611msec_0006429124msecAbs.tif | ├── looptest_pos00_ch1_stack0000_560nm_0000000msec_0006417513msecAbs.tif | ├── looptest_pos00_ch1_stack0001_560nm_0011611msec_0006429124msecAbs.tif | ├── looptest_pos00_Settings.txt ├── /looptest_pos01/ | ├── looptest_pos01_ch0_stack0000_488nm_0000000msec_0006419755msecAbs.tif | ├── looptest_pos01_ch0_stack0001_488nm_0011748msec_0006431503msecAbs.tif | ├── looptest_pos01_ch1_stack0000_560nm_0000000msec_0006419755msecAbs.tif | ├── looptest_pos01_ch1_stack0001_560nm_0011748msec_0006431503msecAbs.tif | ├── looptest_pos01_Settings.txt .. Concatenating Dataset .. --------------------- Known Issues & Bug Reports ========================== .. include:: bugs.rst Bug reports are very much appreciated: `Contact Talley `_ *Please include the following in any bug reports:* - Operating system version - GPU model - CUDA version (type ``nvcc --version`` at command line prompt) - Python version (type ``python --version`` at command line prompt, with ``llsenv`` conda environment active if applicable) .. _contact Talley: mailto:talley.lambert@gmail.com